In addition to the daily and weekly spiritual practices that our students participate in, there are other less frequent, but equally important activities that round out their spiritual enrichment.
In 2nd grade, students will prepare and receive First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion during their school year. During religion, teachers cover all elements of these sacraments to ensure our students are fully prepared and knowledgeable. At St. Mary’s Cathedral School, we know your child’s First Holy Communion is opening day for receiving an inexhaustible source of love and strength in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The consecrated bread and wine, which truly become the sacred body and blood of Jesus is at the heart of our faith. We are united with Jesus and one another by sharing in this Holy Banquet. The Eucharist is the essence of celebration in the Catholic Church.
Once a month, grades K-5 spend 20 minutes in Eucharistic Adoration, held in the chapel at the church.
Held during school Mass on the Friday closest to All Saints Day. The students are assigned a saint to study and then dress up as the saint for Mass.
Occurs on or near the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi (October). Students may bring smaller pets in cages to school or parents may bring larger pets to the Blessing in the afternoon. The pastor presides over the Blessing while all classes participate by singing various songs.
Each Monday on the announcements, Father Tony prays a decade of the Rosary with the children. In October for the Month of the Holy Rosary, students come together to pray in a living Rosary.