St. Mary’s Cathedral School is a parish school in the Diocese of Amarillo governed by a Council of Education, which is a consultative body of the parish and school. The purpose of the School Advisory Council is to assist the pastor and principal in an advisory capacity by recommending local school policies in compliance with Canon Law of the Church, as well as the directives of the Diocese of Amarillo. The Council is an agent of St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council. It is subject to such regulations as might proceed from the Texas Catholic Conference, the Ordinary of the Diocese of Amarillo, and/or the superintendent of Catholic schools and the Parish Pastoral Council.
Chair (term expires 2025): Sarah Morales
Secretary: Gregg Kalka (term expires 2025)
Members: David Clifton (term expires 2025), Kassy Urbanosky (term expires 2026), Sandra Estrada (term expires 2026), Dr. Andrew Alpar (term expires 2026), Caroline Wilting (term expires 2026)
Rector: Father Tony Neusch (Ex-Oficio)
Principal: Kim Lackey (Ex-Oficio)